Cool Offers Zoweetek i28-1 K28-1 2.4G Wireless Russian Keyboard Backlit With Touchpad mouse Combo Keyboard for Android TV Box PC IPTV HTPC Mahalie Rosalie Rating: 4.5 out of 5

Universal Bluetooth Mini Smartphone Keyboard Collections Choice provide combo keyboard,universal hanheld keyboard,universal remote keyboard Cool Offers Zoweetek i28-1 K28-1 2.4G Wireless Russian Keyboard Backlit With Touchpad mouse Combo Keyboard for Android TV Box PC IPTV HTPC. Get Discount Now!Only US $12.34/piece at this time. Hurry buy Now before back to normal price! Normal price US $12.99 or you can Check price now. Dont waste your time. Buy Now only at Zoweetek store Trusted Seller Store!

Universal Bluetooth Mini Smartphone Keyboard Collections Choice provide combo keyboard,universal hanheld keyboard,universal remote keyboard Cool Offers Zoweetek i28-1 K28-1 2.4G Wireless Russian Keyboard Backlit With Touchpad mouse Combo Keyboard for Android TV Box PC IPTV HTPC. Get Discount Now!Only US $12.34/piece at this time. Hurry buy Now before back to normal price! Normal price US $12.99 or you can Check price now. Dont waste your time. Buy Now only at Zoweetek store Trusted Seller Store!
An excellent goods or service is created and offered of course to offer benefit as well as make you comfy when you utilize it. One of these products is truly very understanding of your requirements for this special item.
Dear Russian Customer:Zoweetek Company Here ,Good News, our store has a warehouse in Moscow. All products in our store , We have a lot in stock .Products will be sent to you faster and faster by Russian couriers. Now you can get your orders sooner . Residents of Moscow will receive your orders within 3~5 working days.Note: Once order placed during the weekend ,it will be arranged on Monday, Hope your understanding.NOTE !!!Russian Order (Ship from Russian ) must leave the right phone number , Or the package will be returned to Russian Warehouse ,So you will never get the package !Zoweetek i28-1 K28-1 Wireless Russian Keyboard Backlit Touchpad mouse Combo Gaming Keyboard for HTPC Andorid/Smart TV Box PC
Russian Friend Pay Attention Please !!!
- Please fill in receivers full name in the order due to new policy of Russian customs,Dear customer , This is the ZW i28-1 , Which is a little different from the RII i28 , i28-1 doesnt have the earphone jack and air mouse , when you buy the keyboard , please pay attention to the keyboartd version , usually for Russian,Ukraine ,Belarus buyer we send Russian Version, if you required the language ,please send me message in the order remark , or we are not responsible for sending wrong language ,thanks !!! touchpad not suitablewith IOS/Apple/Ipad
Return Policy
If the product you receive is not as described or low quality, the seller promises that you may return it before order completion (when you click "Confirm Order Received" or exceed confirmation timeframe) and receive a full refund. The return shipping fee will be paid by you. Or, you can choose to keep the product and agree the refund amount directly with the seller.N.B.: If the seller provides the "Longer Protection" service on this product, you may ask for refund up to 15 days after order completion.
Seller Service
On-time Delivery: If you do not receive your purchase within 60 days, you can ask for a full refund before order completion (when you click "Confirm Order Received" or exceed confirmation timeframe).Cool Offers Zoweetek i28-1 K28-1 2.4G Wireless Russian Keyboard Backlit With Touchpad mouse Combo Keyboard for Android TV Box PC IPTV HTPC
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